Monday, April 19, 2010

Who Am I?

Hello, fellow patriot.

We both know why you're here. You received an e-mail, a DM on Twitter, a message on FaceBook, a phone call...something...that pointed you here. Now, what you want to know is, Who am I, and what is this blog all about?

Obviously, this is a Tea Party blog. Its purpose is simply to offer some suggestions to the movement as a whole. Who I am is of little consequence. Indeed, it is better for me to be Anonymous.

I will, however, provide you with some background: I am a former liberal, agnostic, and all-around general snivelling little wretched malcontent. Liberal alone would have covered that, but I'm feeling nasty today. How I came to be a Libertarian with some strong conservative leanings is not material. Suffice it to say, I am those things.

Now, for a disclaimer: Some of you may not agree with me on a few things. For example, I am pro gay marriage (though I'm straight), legalized pot (though I don't personally smoke the stuff), and I don't personally hold - yet have no quarrel - with organized religion (though I'm a theist). Possibly other things. But that's what makes the Tea Party movement so powerful. There are white Tea Partiers, black Tea Partiers, Asian, Latino, Polynesian and straight and gay Tea Partiers. I've seen all of these. We have all come together under the same banner, for the same reasons.


1: Limited government.

2: Individual liberty (which is why I support gay marriage, by the way. But I'm not here to push that. Just FYI).

3: Lower taxes.

4: The nearly-extinct AMERICAN DREAM!

5: the 10th Amendment, baby.

6: Representatives that actually represent their constituents.

It's really pretty simple.

This is what we stand for, this is our message - no matter how others may attempt to hijack or distort that message. We're not anarchists, terrorists or bigots. That's not what we are about. And yet, right now, there are Leftists comparing us to Islamofascists, the KKK, and God knows what else.

We emphatically ARE NOT any of the aforementioned things. (For moron illiberals, the avatar at your right is a thing called satire. I'm making fun of you. I know it's hard to understand. Just keep trying. One day you may just grow a brain...Oh, wait...that would require a spine. Sorry. I shouldn't have gotten your hopes up like that. My bad.)

And what are we? We are lovers of freedom. And this is not freedom:

I've rifled through that Godforsaken bill. It's all there. We must defeat the enemies of liberty, or we're not Americans anymore. But we have formidable foes who will stop at nothing to try and halt or discredit our efforts.

I don't know if the allegations that were made at the Capital are true or not. If they are, then I am appalled at the individuals that took part. At the individuals, mind you, NOT the Tea Party movement. And I know what our adversaries are capable of, how they distort things, and that there is precious little they won't stoop to. Alinsky is their taskmaster, and we must never forget that. Infiltration of the opponent's camp is a prime Alinsky tactic.

Nevertheless, I think I may have some cogent solutions and a few ideas that can help to level the playing field. And that's the real reason you're here.

Now, on to my humble suggestions...


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