Monday, April 19, 2010

Don't Take the Bait... doubt many of you have been reading about this monstrosity:

And no doubt many of you have already heard that SEIU / ACORN miscreants have plans to infiltrate the Tea Party movement in order to cause a violent incident.

This is something to be very concerned about.

Patriots, even with all of the power that the current POTUS wields, he still must have a pretext for declaring martial law. Now, his personal "street-level" army of thugs in the SEIU, and the scattered remnants of ACORN are aiming to provide him with just such a pretext. And once he has that, then he can cancel the elections and wreak havoc without fear of reprisal.

But all is not lost. If we are vigilant and wise, we can keep up our civil onslaught, and continue exerting pressure. But we need to be grounded, level-headed, and keep our cool. Above all, film everything. If you are attacked, by all means defend yourselves, but don't fall for the bait. Be sure that more than one person in your group is filming everything happening, from multiple angles, if possible. In the event of an assault, the recordings will clearly establish who the guilty party is. We must strive to make sure that the guilty party is NEVER us.

Some will hate this suggestion, and I understand why, but nonetheless - it's probably wise not to bring firearms to rallies in the months leading up to the election. Your defense must be the fellow patriots around you. I know - what if they have weapons.

I submit this argument:

1: If outside agitators bring weapons to a rally and begin harming Tea Partiers, then it will be obvious who the bad guys in the situation are. That will have consequences for them, and they're not likely to be good.

2: There WILL BE police present. In this scenario, at least, we can count on them to do something in a timely fashion. Which is rare (no offense to any law enforcement officers. You can't be everywhere at once, no would we want you to be).

3: In the event of a violent incident, an investigation will be conducted...revealing any number of connections to certain organizations, as well as individuals within a certain political party endeavoring to destroy our country and revoke our freedoms. That's bad PR. Really bad.

4: In this fight, our best weapons are our voice, our resolve, our fellow patriots and our CAMERAS. In November, we will bring these weapons to bear against the enemy at the voting booths.

We can avert the preemptive plans of this underhanded Administration. But we must be careful and we must not take the bait. Raise your voices, but let it be them that raises their fists and hurls insults and threats. Look out for one another, protect one another. March on, but do not give the villains cause to bring their collective boot down against the necks of the American people.

We WILL WIN this fight. We WILL PREVAIL. In November.


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