Monday, April 19, 2010

Greetings from a Gentile

Dear members of the American Jewish community,

I'm writing to you as a conservative (of the Libertarian variety), a staunch supporter of Israel, and as one who has deep appreciation for our shared Judeo-Christian bonds. I am not myself a Christian in the any literal sense – I am a philosophical Theist with a conviction in the existence of an Aristotelean God – but I nonetheless possess a keen appreciation for our mutual history. The story of Western Civilization is one made in great part by the influences of Jewish culture, both indirectly (via Christianity) and directly. While there are certainly other elements, such as Greco-Roman influences, Anglo-Saxon law, ect., we are inextricably intertwined.

This is one of the reasons I have felt compelled to reach out to you.

Our shared heritage is under threat. No, I am not being paranoid. I think anyone with two eyes can see some of the writing already materializing on the wall. Just recently, our President treated Prime Minister Netanyahu in the most shameful manner possible. I cannot fathom why he has chosen to break faith with one of our two strongest allies (Israel and Great Britain, respectfully). Such behavior appears to be a trend with this airy, frigid and aloof commander-in-chief. As Israel copes with it's constant struggle to grow and thrive, the President of the United States holds him at arm's length, threatening the stability of a nation beloved by the majority of the American people (particularly so amongst conservatives).

I'll admit that it has been so disheartening for me in the past - that, despite the steadfast friendship shown by American conservative towards the Jewish people and Israel - so many among you have chosen to support and vote for liberal candidates. Perhaps you now see the price of that decision. The loyalty of a conservative cannot be bought. We stay true to our friends, and our causes remain both clear and constant. One of our chief causes has, for decades, been the well-being and support of Israel. Truth be told, the lack of support shown in return has stung more than a little. And yet we have stayed true to our word. Conservatives value immaterial things like honor, loyalty, and friendship too highly to be swayed from our guiding principles so easily. These things, and freedom, are the most precious possessions of all.

However, without any doubt, the same cannot be said of the American Left, to whom causes and principles are mere fads or status symbols to be abandoned at the first hint of inconvenience. They have abandoned Israel, the Constitution of the United States, the inherent duties of their office, and they have abandoned friendship and loyalty. They cannot even be loyal to one another. They have absolutely no concept of it at all.

So, my message is this: We are your friends still. We can turn this mess around. But we will need your help to do it. I do not represent any individual candidate or organized group, (as the Tea Party is hardly organized). I'm writing on my own behalf, out of an unshakable confidence in and affection for two great nations. We need each other. I therefore I ask you, in the months leading up to this November to support – and then vote for – conservative candidates. Conservative candidates, who understand the value of friendship, loyalty, and the mutual bonds that we share.

Yasher koach.

In earnest,


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