Monday, April 19, 2010

Who Am I?

Hello, fellow patriot.

We both know why you're here. You received an e-mail, a DM on Twitter, a message on FaceBook, a phone call...something...that pointed you here. Now, what you want to know is, Who am I, and what is this blog all about?

Obviously, this is a Tea Party blog. Its purpose is simply to offer some suggestions to the movement as a whole. Who I am is of little consequence. Indeed, it is better for me to be Anonymous.

I will, however, provide you with some background: I am a former liberal, agnostic, and all-around general snivelling little wretched malcontent. Liberal alone would have covered that, but I'm feeling nasty today. How I came to be a Libertarian with some strong conservative leanings is not material. Suffice it to say, I am those things.

Now, for a disclaimer: Some of you may not agree with me on a few things. For example, I am pro gay marriage (though I'm straight), legalized pot (though I don't personally smoke the stuff), and I don't personally hold - yet have no quarrel - with organized religion (though I'm a theist). Possibly other things. But that's what makes the Tea Party movement so powerful. There are white Tea Partiers, black Tea Partiers, Asian, Latino, Polynesian and straight and gay Tea Partiers. I've seen all of these. We have all come together under the same banner, for the same reasons.


1: Limited government.

2: Individual liberty (which is why I support gay marriage, by the way. But I'm not here to push that. Just FYI).

3: Lower taxes.

4: The nearly-extinct AMERICAN DREAM!

5: the 10th Amendment, baby.

6: Representatives that actually represent their constituents.

It's really pretty simple.

This is what we stand for, this is our message - no matter how others may attempt to hijack or distort that message. We're not anarchists, terrorists or bigots. That's not what we are about. And yet, right now, there are Leftists comparing us to Islamofascists, the KKK, and God knows what else.

We emphatically ARE NOT any of the aforementioned things. (For moron illiberals, the avatar at your right is a thing called satire. I'm making fun of you. I know it's hard to understand. Just keep trying. One day you may just grow a brain...Oh, wait...that would require a spine. Sorry. I shouldn't have gotten your hopes up like that. My bad.)

And what are we? We are lovers of freedom. And this is not freedom:

I've rifled through that Godforsaken bill. It's all there. We must defeat the enemies of liberty, or we're not Americans anymore. But we have formidable foes who will stop at nothing to try and halt or discredit our efforts.

I don't know if the allegations that were made at the Capital are true or not. If they are, then I am appalled at the individuals that took part. At the individuals, mind you, NOT the Tea Party movement. And I know what our adversaries are capable of, how they distort things, and that there is precious little they won't stoop to. Alinsky is their taskmaster, and we must never forget that. Infiltration of the opponent's camp is a prime Alinsky tactic.

Nevertheless, I think I may have some cogent solutions and a few ideas that can help to level the playing field. And that's the real reason you're here.

Now, on to my humble suggestions...


Alinsky, meet Machiavelli

Saul Alinsky - you dirty, old, bespectacled Commie bastard - I love you. Because you work for me now. You work for us now. You're our bitch, and we hold the leash. Thanks for leaving us the playbook of the Left, by the way. Much appreciated. And now, I'd like to introduce you to a greater mind: Niccolo Machiavelli. You won't really understand what he has to say to you. Your peevish, frustrated, impotent little mind really isn't up to the task, unfortunately. No matter. You and the Florentine are going to be working closely together, like it or not.

Because you see, this is the United States of America. Here, everyone is a prince, or at the very least can aspire to be so. Many even succeed at the effort. You seem to have missed that little point; and yet the brain-dead Left idolizes you as some kind of modern Robin Hood. Well, I suppose you do have something in common with the bandit of Sherwood - you both trafficked with criminals and thugs. But, alas, we have no romanticism reserved for the likes of you - and we've no room for filthy Commies here. We'll just co-opt your list of dirty tricks, and eschew your sweaty ideology. Get used to it. Play time's over. It's our turn now. We're spoiling for a fight, you see. And while we'll still be irate in November, that's just too far away.

The game starts now, and we make the rules.

Okay, patriots - now to the nitty-gritty:

We have good reason to suspect that our ranks were infiltrated at the Capital. Keith Olbermann is salivating over it while masturbating to semi-nude pictures of Mullet Maddow (who always reminds me of Wesley Crusher from Star Trek: the Next Generation for some reason), dressed as a butch dominatrix holding salad tongs. The Left is positively as giddy as a school girl about the whole thing, and somewhere Katie Couric is embarrassing herself on a dance floor again.

The Big Question is, What are we gonna do about it?

I know that we're an independent crowd. We chafe at having strict leadership. And that's good. An army of Davids is a lot harder to bring down than a single, centralized figurehead.

So, here's my devious little plan.

1: There are already extant groups in most states, and many of these are broken down into more localized groups. Organize at the local level, as you already have done, and elect a semi-official leader for each chapter. Keep the identity of the leader anonymous, if at all possible. Meet at rallying points, and inspect the signs of your fellow patriots. Avoid signs that attack individuals - such as the president - and instead employ signs that assault the ISSUES. No more Obama = Hitler signs. The Left did that with W., and it's old. No more Obama = the Joker, or Kool-Aid signs, either. Keep it cogent and to the point.

2: Be aware of who is in your group, and act as a UNIT. It's time to go Roman on these bastards. Don't interact with people outside your group any more than is absolutely necessary. There should be at least two people in your group that are watching the people around them. One or more of them should be FILMING EVERYTHING, so that accusations of slurs, spitting, etc. can be falsified and discredited. This will serve a two fold purpose: 1, it will strengthen the integrity of our argument, as well as the movement as a whole; and 2, it will discredit our detractors when they make false allegations. One or more of the Eyes should be taking a broader view, looking for out-group trouble and possible infiltrators.

3: While we must avoid having one central leader, your local group leader should be elected on their merits. They should confab with other local and regional leaders regarding strategy for large protests, or other operations wherein thousands of groups will be participating. This should be a loose network, however, as danger lies in over-organization. In all cases, illegality is to BE AVOIDED. We must work within the framework of the law, or we lose all credibility.

4: At least two or three should be assigned the task of confronting possible infiltrators - in a non-violent fashion - and sending them off with a flea in their ears. If they have reason to suspect that an individual is there to instigate a black propaganda/false flag incident, then they must step forward and make it clear that this individual does not speak/act for us. One might even consider carrying small canisters of bright-colored paint to splash the front of the clothing with as an identifier. This may itself be considered assault, but it is a non-violent assault (and besides, stupid PETA does it all the time, after a fashion). In any case, the infiltrator will be unlikely to press charges.

5: Whenever and wherever possible, infiltrate counter protest groups. Collect relevant data, or - if thought prudent and effective - seek to weaken their cause. The method of doing so should be up to the the bold individuals who take up the task. But remember, KEEP IT WITHIN THE BOUNDS OF THE LAW.

Seek to cause rifts within the opposition, such as inter-group rivalries. Attempt to make the group take a more offensive, radical stance on anything. The more you can make them look like a bunch of raving lunatics, the better. Suggestions: mandatory abortions, kill the meat-eaters, the government was behind 9-11, etc. Here's the thing about the Left...they're rife with internal rifts, and are far more fractured ideologically than they might seem. These are terrible weaknesses waiting to be exploited; and a natural side effect of having no real objective grasp on reality. So, exploit them. Divide them. Pit them against each other. Those that undertake this should not be a nervous people, and nor should they appear too zealous to the least, not at first.

6: Read The Prince and Rules for Radicals.

Here endeth the lesson.


Greetings from a Gentile

Dear members of the American Jewish community,

I'm writing to you as a conservative (of the Libertarian variety), a staunch supporter of Israel, and as one who has deep appreciation for our shared Judeo-Christian bonds. I am not myself a Christian in the any literal sense – I am a philosophical Theist with a conviction in the existence of an Aristotelean God – but I nonetheless possess a keen appreciation for our mutual history. The story of Western Civilization is one made in great part by the influences of Jewish culture, both indirectly (via Christianity) and directly. While there are certainly other elements, such as Greco-Roman influences, Anglo-Saxon law, ect., we are inextricably intertwined.

This is one of the reasons I have felt compelled to reach out to you.

Our shared heritage is under threat. No, I am not being paranoid. I think anyone with two eyes can see some of the writing already materializing on the wall. Just recently, our President treated Prime Minister Netanyahu in the most shameful manner possible. I cannot fathom why he has chosen to break faith with one of our two strongest allies (Israel and Great Britain, respectfully). Such behavior appears to be a trend with this airy, frigid and aloof commander-in-chief. As Israel copes with it's constant struggle to grow and thrive, the President of the United States holds him at arm's length, threatening the stability of a nation beloved by the majority of the American people (particularly so amongst conservatives).

I'll admit that it has been so disheartening for me in the past - that, despite the steadfast friendship shown by American conservative towards the Jewish people and Israel - so many among you have chosen to support and vote for liberal candidates. Perhaps you now see the price of that decision. The loyalty of a conservative cannot be bought. We stay true to our friends, and our causes remain both clear and constant. One of our chief causes has, for decades, been the well-being and support of Israel. Truth be told, the lack of support shown in return has stung more than a little. And yet we have stayed true to our word. Conservatives value immaterial things like honor, loyalty, and friendship too highly to be swayed from our guiding principles so easily. These things, and freedom, are the most precious possessions of all.

However, without any doubt, the same cannot be said of the American Left, to whom causes and principles are mere fads or status symbols to be abandoned at the first hint of inconvenience. They have abandoned Israel, the Constitution of the United States, the inherent duties of their office, and they have abandoned friendship and loyalty. They cannot even be loyal to one another. They have absolutely no concept of it at all.

So, my message is this: We are your friends still. We can turn this mess around. But we will need your help to do it. I do not represent any individual candidate or organized group, (as the Tea Party is hardly organized). I'm writing on my own behalf, out of an unshakable confidence in and affection for two great nations. We need each other. I therefore I ask you, in the months leading up to this November to support – and then vote for – conservative candidates. Conservative candidates, who understand the value of friendship, loyalty, and the mutual bonds that we share.

Yasher koach.

In earnest,


Don't Take the Bait... doubt many of you have been reading about this monstrosity:

And no doubt many of you have already heard that SEIU / ACORN miscreants have plans to infiltrate the Tea Party movement in order to cause a violent incident.

This is something to be very concerned about.

Patriots, even with all of the power that the current POTUS wields, he still must have a pretext for declaring martial law. Now, his personal "street-level" army of thugs in the SEIU, and the scattered remnants of ACORN are aiming to provide him with just such a pretext. And once he has that, then he can cancel the elections and wreak havoc without fear of reprisal.

But all is not lost. If we are vigilant and wise, we can keep up our civil onslaught, and continue exerting pressure. But we need to be grounded, level-headed, and keep our cool. Above all, film everything. If you are attacked, by all means defend yourselves, but don't fall for the bait. Be sure that more than one person in your group is filming everything happening, from multiple angles, if possible. In the event of an assault, the recordings will clearly establish who the guilty party is. We must strive to make sure that the guilty party is NEVER us.

Some will hate this suggestion, and I understand why, but nonetheless - it's probably wise not to bring firearms to rallies in the months leading up to the election. Your defense must be the fellow patriots around you. I know - what if they have weapons.

I submit this argument:

1: If outside agitators bring weapons to a rally and begin harming Tea Partiers, then it will be obvious who the bad guys in the situation are. That will have consequences for them, and they're not likely to be good.

2: There WILL BE police present. In this scenario, at least, we can count on them to do something in a timely fashion. Which is rare (no offense to any law enforcement officers. You can't be everywhere at once, no would we want you to be).

3: In the event of a violent incident, an investigation will be conducted...revealing any number of connections to certain organizations, as well as individuals within a certain political party endeavoring to destroy our country and revoke our freedoms. That's bad PR. Really bad.

4: In this fight, our best weapons are our voice, our resolve, our fellow patriots and our CAMERAS. In November, we will bring these weapons to bear against the enemy at the voting booths.

We can avert the preemptive plans of this underhanded Administration. But we must be careful and we must not take the bait. Raise your voices, but let it be them that raises their fists and hurls insults and threats. Look out for one another, protect one another. March on, but do not give the villains cause to bring their collective boot down against the necks of the American people.

We WILL WIN this fight. We WILL PREVAIL. In November.
